The information you provide through the website will be held under the data protection act 1998.
We are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal data. This privacy notice explains how we collect and use your personal data and tells you about your privacy rights.
We have updated the privacy notice to take into account the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
This privacy notice provides you with information about how Coming Copenhagen processes personal data. This includes personal data we will collect about you when you use our websites, or when you use or are a recipient of our services, as well as some information which we obtain from other sources.
Personal data is information which relates to an identifiable living person. This may be information such as your name, address, email address and other personal details.
Coming Copenhagen uses personal data for different purposes. This includes information you provide to us and information we create when providing services to you or other customers. For more details of the personal data we process, and how this data collected or obtained, see the table below.
Coming Copemhagen would like to keep in touch with you about our products, services and offers that might interest you. You have a choice whether you wish to receive these communications and may object at any time.
We won’t send these communications if you ask us to stop direct marketing. Where we collect contact information from you, which may be used for marketing purposes, we will provide you with an opportunity to object to marketing.
Organisations can process personal data for direct marketing purposes where it is necessary for their legitimate interests. Coming Copenhagen has a legitimate interest in promoting its products and services but will always comply with privacy regulations and individuals’ right to object to marketing.
We may use your personal data to enable us to provide you with targeted marketing content through social media and online.
To personalize your experience
We want to ensure that marketing communications relating to our products and services, including online advertising, are relevant to your interests. To do this, we may use your personal data to understand your interests better, so that we can try to predict what other products, services and information you might be most interested in. This enables us to tailor our communications to make them more relevant and interesting for you. Looking at your browsing behaviour and purchases helps us to understand you as a customer better and it allows us to provide you with personalised services and communications. We may also measure your responses to marketing communications relating to products and services we offer, which enables us to offer you products and services that better meet your needs as a customer.
Your name, address, e-mail, phone number and order number and specific deliveries will be passed on to the conveyor that manages the delivery of your bought items.
With a view to create openness concerning the processing of your data we shall, as data managers, inform you about your rights.
Right of inspection
You are at any time entitled to request data e.g. which data we have registered about you, the purpose of the registration, which categories of personal data and receivers of the data as well as where the data originates from.
You are entitled to receive a copy of the personal data we are processing about you. If you require a copy of your personal data, you must send a written request to You may be asked to provide proof of your identity.
Right of rectification
You are entitled to receive incorrect personal data about yourself rectified by us. If you notice mistakes in the data we have registered, you shall contact us so we are able to rectify the data.
Right of deletion
Under certain circumstances, you are entitled to delete all or some of your personal data by us e.g. if you withdraw your consent and we do not have another legal basis in order to continue the processing. To the extent that a processing of your data is necessary e.g. in order to perform our legal obligations or to determine, submit or defend our legal claims, we are not obligated to delete your personal data.
Right to minimise the processing of storing
Under certain circumstances, you are entitled to get minimised processing of your personal data and thereby only to consist of storing e.g. if you consider the data we are processing about you are incorrect.
Right to data portability
Under certain circumstances, you are entitled to receive the personal data you have given us in a structured, general used and machine readable format and you are entitled to transfer the data to another data manager.
Right of objection
You are at any time entitled to make an objection against our processing of your personal data for the purpose of direct marketing, such as the profiling which will be made in order to target our direct marketing.
Furthermore, you are at any time entitled to raise objection to the processing of your personal data concerning your personal situation, which we make on the basis of our legitimate interests jfr. section 2.1 and 2.3.
Right to withdraw consent
You are at any time entitled to withdraw a consent you have sent us for processing the personal data, such as the profiling which will be made as a member of the customer club. If you want to withdraw you consent, please contact us at
Right to complaint
You are at any time entitled to send in a complaint concerning our processing of your personal data to the Danish Data Protection Agency, Borgergade 28, 5, 1300 København K. The complaint can be sent in via e-mail or phone +45 33 19 32 00.
Coming Copenhagen's policy is to only retain information for as long as it is required for the purpose or purposes for which we use it. We will determine how long to retain different data based on the following requirements:
We have carried out suitable technical and organisational security precautions in order to prevent that the personal data accidentally or illegally is destroyed, lost, changed or deteriorated, furthermore to prevent that the data is misused.
Only our employees have access to your data and will only use data if they need to get access to your personal data in order to fulfil their work.
Coming Copenhagen Aps is the data manager of the personal data which have been gathered through the platforms.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this Personal Data Policy or you want to make use of one or several of your rights please contact;
Coming Copenhagen Aps
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